Thursday, July 25, 2013

Mining for Treasure

'J' is a strong boy, aggressive and difficult to know. Trust shattered by parental choices made beyond his control yet now a bully, resistant and dominant.

 A short look into his angry eyes reveals a fragment of the hurt little boy inside that he would rather hide and forget. Numbness is easier than pain. Forced bravery a distracting disguise.

I find myself wondering how to teach these children how to start to forgive? The crimes against their wounded hearts are more than most could count in a lifetime and the thick crusty layers of anger, hatred and resentment do not fall away easily. For 'J' they have formed a strong shell that shields his brokenness but prevents real relationship.

Its a messy business - digging further, deeper, past the black in search of something purer at the core. Its there! We have seen glimmers - sometimes a flash of light, a moment shimmer when the guard is down and a flicker of life darts through....somewhere buried in the depths, concealed beneath the ruins, the riches of who they really are lies....waiting for discovery. The image of their maker - raw and original in design - treasure immeasurable.

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